Weekly Service Times

Sunday Morning 9:30am: In Person or Online Service – see ‘Weekly Online Service’ links below

Sunday Evening 6:00pm: In Person or Online Service – see ‘Weekly Online Service’ links below

Weekly Service Links

Weekly links to our You Tube Video of the Messages and Bible reading will be posted below

If you would like a link to the live services on Zoom click the enquire button below

To listen to the full Worship Services Audio, click on the Sermons & Services menu above and choose the Month and date you would like to listen to.

Easter Services

Service of the Shadows Thursday 8.00 pm in person only

Good Friday 9.30 am in person and online

Easter Sunday 9.30 am and 6.00pm in person and online

Christmas Services

Christmas Eve 6:00pm: in Person & Online Service

Christmas Day 9:00am: In Person & Online Service




Rev. Glen Devenish
Lead Pastor

Devenish Glen 2024 2

Glen is husband to Rachel and dad to 4 amazing daughters. He is particularly passionate about discipleship, church planting, and releasing both women and men, girls and boys, to use their gifts and skills for building up the community and glorifying God.

James 1:19 – Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry.

In a world where social media and electronic communications dominate this verse carries great wisdom in guiding our approach.




Share the Dignity

Thank you to those who are willing to participate in the “It’s in the Bag” campaign by helping to fill a handbag, or backpack for a woman or teenage girl in need .

Please note that the bag you choose can be closed or zipped once it is filled. Items can include:

Shampoo and conditioner

Toothbrush and toothpaste

Roll-on deodorant

Hand cream and/or moisturiser

Soap or body wash plus a face cloth

Hairbrush and comb

Small pack of tissues

Small pack of sanitary pads or tampons



Young people in grades 5 – 12 are welcome to join our youth group, meeting on Friday nights in the school term. Aptly named ‘Connected Youth’, our youth group aims to see young people connected into a fun and supportive community, and into a personal relationship with our incredible God. Join us to participate in games, build friendships and learn more about the significance of God in your life.


Find Us On Instagram

Instagram 2

Drive Thru Prayer

Time: 8am to 9am each Tuesday and Thursday during school terms (weather permitting).

Location: 35 Main Road, Cardiff Heights NSW 2285


Time: 10am – 12pm each Wednesday during the School Terms
Location: 35 Main Road, Cardiff Heights NSW 2285
For babies, toddlers, preschool aged children and their carers.



Time: April to September, Saturday Games
Location: View website
Watch games for free
To play, please select enquire



Arts & Craft Group

Time: Wednesdays 10am
Location: 35 Main Road, Cardiff Heights NSW 2285 – Upper Hall


Connected Youth

Time: Friday nights, 7PM – 9:00PM, during school terms
Location: Mostly @ 35 Main Road, Cardiff Heights NSW 2285 but it changes on the night
Cost: $2 Grade 5 – 12 only


Home Group Bible Studies

MON 10AM @ Church
WED 7:00PM Ladies Fortnightly
WED 7:30PM Men Fortnightly
THURS 7PM Young Adults Home Group



Church Auditorium

Our Sunday 9:30am and 6:00pm services are held in our Church Auditorium. This is a space for our congregation to join together in communal worship, prayer and bible teaching. We have a Children’s Corner reserved in the Church Auditorium for families, and our Parents Retreat room also adjoins our Auditorium with a window and speaker system to allow families to listen to our services with greater privacy.

Children’s Space 

Our children enjoy a custom-built Children’s Space for their Sunday morning Children’s Church, and Wednesday PlayTime sessions. This space includes an area for games, craft, a kitchenette and a quiet babies’ room. The Children’s Space also opens onto a playground and large grassed area for outdoor games.

Parents Retreat

Our Parents Retreat is a sanctuary available on Sundays for families to utilise. This space includes comfortable couches, a range of toys, and an area for parents to feed and change their children. Our Creche is also held in the Parents Retreat during our Sunday Morning service for pre-primary aged children. Parents are able to see into the Church Auditorium from the Parents Retreat through a tinted window, and can choose to listen to the service in the Auditorium through a speaker system. We value our families and prioritise a space reserved for them to care for their children while still feeling part of the service.

Church Hall 

Our Church Hall is a wonderful meeting area, where we host Sunday Morning Tea. This space is also utilised for our Youth Group, Messy Church, Craft Group, and other community activities. Our Church Hall and adjoining commercial Kitchen have recently been renovated to allow for sound-proofing, which means there is plenty of space for our young people to play active games in this area!


Adjoining our Children’s Space is a large playgound with swings, a sandpit and a fully enclosed grass area. Children are welcome to use this space, and particularly love to stretch their legs on a Sunday morning after our church service.

Ministry Centre

Our Ministry Centre is located next to our main church building. This Centre contains our church offices, and a room available for ministry meetings and bible studies.



Christ's Hands
Building Community